Homemade Play-dough

Play-dough is so easy to make at home and the colors you can create are more natural and subtle. I prefer the creams, soft pinks, and luscious chocolate browns of the play-doughs I created here using natural colorings. These colors create more realistic pastries and the play-dough lasts a long time if you store it …

Seafloor Cake

I made this seafloor cake for a Girl Scout meeting a couple years ago. It was so much fun assembling all the components and using it as an oceanography STEM learning activity that's fun to eat! The objective of the activity was to learn about the layers of oceanic crust much the same way oceanographers …

Fairy Cakes

These fairy cakes are a fun addition to your child's imaginative playtime. Just simply coat Cheerios with melted chocolate and sprinkles or powdered sugar. I also experimented here with chocolate covered Oreos for a larger cake. All were equally delicious and fun. You can make these for the tooth fairy to eat when she comes …